into the Reiki System is conducted through a ritual of attunement by a
qualified Reiki Master-Teacher. During the attunement each apprentice is
to go through the attunement process. In dong so, his/her energy
system is attuned to a higher level of vibrations, his energetic centers
(chakras) are opened, after which he/she is capable of transmitting the
Reiki energy.
Reiki is divided into levels so as to gradually raise the energetic level of an apprentice, as well as allow him/her to adapt to the given level and acquire practical skills of working with Reiki at the given level.
During Reiki Level 1 attunement process the apprentice is initiated into the Reiki system. The Reiki teacher connects him/her with the universal life force energy and opens him/her as a Reiki-Channel. He/she acquires the capability of transmitting this energy through his/her palms all his life. The frequency of vibrations of the energy system of the Reiki practitioner rises. In addition, the apprentice acquires all the knowledge and skills required for the use of Reiki.
Reiki Level 1 attunement enables the practitioner to immediately transmit the Reiki energy through his/her own hands to himself/herself and other people, animals, plants and other forms of existence. The apprentice who is attuned to Reiki Level 1 senses warm radiation coming from his/her palms. Between the attunments the Master shows different reiki hand positions which are extremely simple and then the apprentice does the session for himself/herself in the presence of the Master. Upon completion of the training the apprentice is awarded wtih Reiki First Level Certificate. |
The more you use the Reiki energy for yourself and for others, the most powerful it will flow through you. Therefore, use Reiki for your own and other people’s benefit as often as possible.
You will feel the effect of Reiki. Surprising changes will spring up in
your life and the life will take new colors and old issues will get
settled very easily. You will surely notice how Reiki is leading you
more ahead.
If you wish to develop your capabilities and deepen the Reiki effect, then you will be afforded to receive Reiki Level 2 attunement. But it is determined by a Reiki Master-Teacher, who determines who will undergo further Reiki training and who has still to work at Level 1 for a while.
After being attuned to Reiki Level 2, the apprentice receives certain symbols for further work with Reiki. Such symbols reinforce the Reiki energy. An intensive ray of energy emanates from his/her palm chakras. The apprentice breaks through a tremendous “energetic jump”. The apprentice has a feeling of power growth.
Level 2 allows to transmit Reiki beyond the time and space and allows to work at a mental level.
Reiki Level 3 attunement can be received by the apprentice who has already Level 2.
When attuned to Reiki Level 3, our pass-through capacity of energy increases due to the accumulation of our practical experience in Reiki.
Level 3 is directed at the development of the energetic body and chakra of Wisdom (Ajna).
Level 3 attunement is the attunement as a Master Teacher. Reiki Master may attune to a Master Level other apprentices who have received Reiki Level 1 and 2 attunements.
Level 4 attunement (Teacher)
The Teacher Level enables the Master to attune apprentices to all the Reiki levels. But not all Masters can be made teachers. One can become a Teacher “on call of heart”.
The Teacher level attunement can be received by the apprentice who has already Master Level.